Latest Games June 2018

PrimeTime Amusements Arcade Rental Guidelines

Arcade games tend to be a heavy investment, especially when you are looking at the latest titles to grace the market. These machines can often go for tens of thousands of dollars each,so obtaining the best bang for your buck is paramount. As we stated in previous articles, there are several ways you can obtain financing for when you finally want to pull the trigger and purchase your favorite arcade games, or if you want to start your own arcade business. Similarly, on another article, we also listed what were, in our opinion, the games which provided the most entertainment for your money, often featuring a ton of games in a single cabinet, making them great investments for those who are pressed for money.

Nevertheless, the price entry barrier still remains steep, which puts these products out of reach for most of us. However, here at PrimeTime Amusements, we’d like to use this article to discuss another alternate way that you can obtain a game for a special occasion. With our arcade game rental services, we offer a custom-tailored selection of arcade games perfect for the event you’re looking to celebrate, whether it be a birthday party, a bar or bat mitzvah, a corporate or team building endeavor, or a trade show.

In order to partake of our services, you may start by reaching out to us via phone. In this manner, you will get directed to one of our professional and knowledgeable sales agents, who will help you assemble a list of specific games and amusements, custom-tailored for the occasion and for your guest list. Are you hosting a birthday party for one of your children, but still want some entertainment for grown-ups? Don’t sweat it! We can help you build a selection of kids’ games, alongside some amusement for crowds of all ages, working hard to find that one game that tickles your nostalgia bones. Furthermore, to add that extra personal touch to your event, we can also custom-wrap your arcade game rentals to help identify it with a slogan or logo, in particular, to really drive home the message of the occasion.

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